
This educational toy is designed for memory training and recognizing the first syllable of the symbol. Each plate has a symbol and capital letter which are burned into the wood. It is suitable for children from 10 months on.

Available in ENGLISH, GERMAN, FRENCH, SPANISH language.


Memory game is made of solid beech wood. Each piece has a symbol and capital letter which are burned into the wood.

It is suitable for children from 10 months on.

This educational toy is meant for memory training and recognizing the first syllable of the symbol. Game can be used in various ways and rules can be adjusted regarding the level of difficulty. Through play children learn about language and form first words.

Available in:

  • Wooden storage box with a lid,
  • cardboard box or cotton bag.


Development areas:

  • language skills
  • memory and logical reasoning
  • orientation in space
  • motoric skills
  • personal and social development

Educational. Practical. Ecological.

For orders or any questions please send us a message. We'll gladly answer it as soon as possible.